4 Ultimate ways to settle in Germany

settle in germany

Thank you for visiting the post and if you are here, you might be looking for options to settle in Germany. The popular countries like America have some restrictions to settle or You need ILETS to settle in Canada. The best option could be Germany to settle and have a quality of life. Let’s not waste the time and go in detailed ways to settle in Germany

Possible ways to settle in Germany:

Employment Visa:

Many of us knows employment visa as even you can say by the name “Visa with Employment”. Yes, one of the way is finding the job from your country and come to Germany with employment visa.

Well, now the question is how to find the job? Is it possible?. The answer is yes, it is possible but only if you have extraordinary skills and putting a huge amount of effort into applying for jobs. A lot of German companies hiring candidates from other countries. Follow below steps to find the job

  • The first step to make an excellent resume/CV to impress the employers. In Germany, the resume is considered in Europass format but it’s not mandatory. But, it’s good to have, below you can download sample resume and some key points to make a nice resume

Download the sample resume and make excellent resume

  • Once your resume is perfect, now it’s time to find the best job portals and apply for the jobs. Consider mainly applying in indeed, stepstone, Linkedin, xing websites.
  • Prepare well for the interview and make sure, there are no distractions in interview time. Mention to your interviewer that you can apply for employment visa once you get the contract
  • If you crack the interview, the next step is to apply for a visa. Take a visa appointment in German consulate based on your location.
  • Once you get the visa approval, time to book the flights, and accommodation to travel to Germany.
  • Welcome to Germany:)
  • Apply for Blue Card, you can find more details here
  • After 21/33 months based on your German skills, you can apply for the permanent settlement permit

Job Seeker Visa:

As you might know as Job Search visa where Germany allows you to apply Job Seeker Visa to come to Germany and search for a job for a period of 6 months.

Find the complete guide to apply Job Seeker Visa.

Student Visa:

One of the ways to settle in Germany is to come as a student with a Student Visa. After completing the studies, you have 18 months to search for a job. Once you get the job and process is the same as applying for Blue Card.

Find a German partner:

You read it right :). If you find your partner and if he/she interested to marry. Then you can fly and settle in Germany. Will write a detailed post soon, If you don’t want to miss the update subscribe below

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