Blue Card – 7 Advantages and 2 Disadvantages

Blue Card Pros and Cons

The aim of the Blue Card is to make it easier for workers to come to Germany without having to go through the bureaucratic demands of regular visa applications.

However, there are some advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of Blue Card:

  • The Blue Card/work permit can be issued for up to 3/4 years
  • A permanent residence permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis) can be obtained after 33 months of employment or after 21 months with proof of good German language proficiency (B1)
  • The Blue-Cardholder can stay without a visa for up to 90 days in all Schengen countries
  • After 18 months, the holder can travel to another EU country and within one month can apply for the Blue Card EU in that country (not valid for Great Britain, Ireland, and Denmark!)
  • Eligible to stay in a country outside the EU for up to 12 months
  • The family reunion is possible and Blue-Cardholder must demonstrate that they have the financial resources to support those family members and that the family members have the required health insurance and suitable accommodation.
  • Family members may immediately work without restrictions.

Disadvantages of Blue Card:

  • The Blue Card is just a work permit to stay and work in Germany. If you lose the job, it is essential to find a job as soon as possible otherwise you have to return back to your country.
  • Staying more than 12 months outside of the EU is not valid anymore

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